Home Schooling Day 2

Well, today was a bit better than yesterday - slightly more organised & structured. The kids finished school work earlier & I was able to contact all of my wonderful clients I’ve had to reschedule. Thanks SO much for everyone’s understanding during this time. It seriously is a mental & emotional struggle to keep your head above water as a small business during lock down.

On one hand I’m grateful that I don’t have staff to look after, but on the other, I was just about to employ the most amazing woman to share the love of photographing babies with. So fingers crossed the ACT / NSW lock down finishes sooner rather than later so that I can bring her on board & introduce you all to her.

In the meantime, today I was grateful for:

  • Another beautiful blue sky day that feels like spring has come early

  • A wonderful sleep in while my partner got the kids sorted ready for home schooling

  • A slower pace of life which allows time for family & healthy habits such as exercise which is usually the first thing on my list of self care to disappear

Stay safe, Holly x
