Home Schooling Day 1

Good Morning Beautiful People,

What a roller coaster of a weekend! I don’t know about you but the media guidelines around this ACT/NSW lock down is pretty confusing. I myself live just over the border of the ACT (where I work) so have had to follow both State’s recommendations which is sometimes in direct contradiction of each other.

On Friday I was effected by the ACT lock down & unable to go to the ACT and work. But becasue I had been in the ACT since August 5th, I was asked to be homebound within the NSW community even though NSW wasn’t in lock down. On Friday NSW caught up and now we’re all in lock down & homeschooling has begun!

In this time of uncertainty, the one thing that is within my own control is my mindset regarding all the changes around me. I will be continuing my morning meditations & daily intentions to help support a healthy & positive mindset. I thought I’d start to share my gratitude & hopefully inspire a few more to join me…..

This morning I’m grateful for:

  1. The little stray dog (that arrived on our doorstep last Thursday) behaving like a perfect little gentleman. Especially with my chickens, which some of you may know are more than just egg layers, they’re family pets, each with little names & big personalities & of course AMAZING looks ;P

  2. The kid’s school appears to have worked over the weekend to prepare home schooling packs for us to pick up this morning and get us through this first week of lock down

  3. SO grateful my partner is home this time as well to help with the home schooling. The biggest challenge I found last time was that my son hasdn’t started school yet, so couldn’t read & had a completely different structure to his day. He’s acing kindergarten this year though & I feel it will be easier to help support them through different lessons even though at different levels.

Of course, I also have a business to run (although slightly less workload) but I will be juggling my roles as best I can as I know you will be too. Patience & understanding is paramount at this time in our lives, but I’m present & grateful that I have such wonderful clients and adorable little babies faces to smile at while I work :) xx

ps. Does anyone recognise this cute little guy? Found last Thursday in the Karabar area ……