I'm at peace with it now


This morning I woke with a new energy, a peaceful energy and it made me realise I’d been resisting the changes of the past few days. I’m sure we’ve all felt it, the uncertainty, the unknown, loss of structure, society, social connection as we know it…. but, with acceptance of our new norm, I’m feeling at peace and no longer fighting it. I smiled a lot more today that I have the past 4 days, and what’s not to smile about?

  1. I’m grateful I have a roof over my head, a beautiful home, veggie gardens, fresh eggs, happy healthy, smart kids, a loving supportive partner… what more could I ask for? Majority of my needs are being met.

  2. I’m grateful for this beautiful life full of opportunities for me to grow & improve & all I have to do is reach out, take it & own it. I will continue to ask the right questions to continue on this path.

  3. I’m SO incredibly grateful for my mindful business coach Johl Dunn who’s words of wisdom & support have effected every aspect of my life the past 3 months ~ Thank you!

I’ve had a pleasant day with all this sunshine & fresh air as we take our daily walk. The kids have fallen into a home school routine which we’re all adjusting to but certainly gets more smooth with every day. I hope your days are similar and that you’re finding a rhythm amongst the chaos too.

Holly x
